12 Apr 2012

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IE Team Releases 'Marshmallow People: Bored to Death' Game
Article by George Norman
On 12 Apr 2012
The team behind the Internet Explorer (IE) web browser announced on Wednesday, April 11, that it released a new HTML5 game you can play in IE9 or another application you use to surf the web, such as Firefox, Chrome, Opera, or Safari. The name of the game in question is “Marshmallow People: Bored to Death”.

If you’re using a browser that supports HTML5, and the latest editions of IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari do support it, you can start playing the game right now – just click here. You can play it by yourself, or with a friend.

Before you go play the game, take a moment to read about what it is all about. The premise behind this game is that boredom kills. It is thus very important that you do no get too bored. And how do you do that? With violence, what else! You chase the boredom away by kicking and punching these obnoxiously pleasant creatures right in their face.

The catch is that even something like punching pleasant creatures in the face gets old after a while. At first you get a lot of satisfaction from it, but as the game progresses, all the punching and kicking gets less and less satisfying. That is why you must punch and kick more and more creatures to get the same level of satisfaction as you used to get.

And now, a quick look at why this game was released to the public is provided by Senior Product Marketing Manager with Microsoft, Jason McConnell.

“Back in March at Internet Explorer's Badger Palooza event at the 2012 SXSW Interactive festival we unveiled an arcade machine running Internet Explorer 9 featuring an HTML5 game based on the popular animated short film 'Marshmallow People' from FilmCow,” explained Jason McConnell. “It was so popular, we’ve made the game, developed by Bradley and Montgomery, available for everyone,” McConnell added.

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